Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Racial Profiling

I think that racism is not yet a thing of the past. For some reason we still think that certain races are better than other, and it is harder for certain races to become successful. The countries demographics suggest tht it is harder for teenagers of a certain race to graduate from college than a teen of antoher race.

I thought we had gotten over this atleast 30 years ago. Apparently not though. We still think it is harder for some people to do things just becasue they are of a certain racial background. It may not be racisim, but RACIAL PROFILING is not much better. For example, we not only remember who the first person to do something is, but we also remember the first person of a certain race to do something. For example, the first black guy to walk on the moon will be famous. For what? Many people have walked on the moon, but no black guys have yet.

In this way it seems like we think it is harder for people of certain races to accomplish certain tasks. Like, a chinese man could never coach a NBA basketball team. A black guy can't have over 5 billion dollars in assests.

This kind of racial profiling brings us all down really in the end. Why cant it be the way it's supposed to be. Every man iss created equal. Seperate.. but equal. It is definitly not as bad as it was in the past, but why cant we just abolish rasicm/ racial profiling. Why can we still not look completly beyond a persons skin color/race. Why cant we measure them by who they are instead of what they look like or what race they are.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Nelson Mandela

1 comment:

~Pierce~ said...

I agree with Sean and Jasmine's opinion that racial profiling is not yet a thing of the past. There are many aspects of society that is racial profiling that is done by normal citizens. Sterotypes and generalizations are part of those things. Chinese are cheap and frugal, Blonds are pretty and dumb, Asians are short, people of African progeny lineage are more athletic than others. All of these things are racial profiling that people do today.

I agree that racial profiling is a bad thing and our society might be better off without it. People unconsiously judge each other when they first meet. Their first impression influences how they deal with that person after that first meeting. To not be prejudiced, to not racial profile, to not generalize or sterotype, a person needs to make a conscious effort not to. This becomes easier with practice and over time you get good at ignoring those initial impressions or using them in a more constructive way. But I don't think the normal average person tries to do that continiously. It's too time consuming and a hard skill to master that does not give anything in return in the short run. But in order to better society, people might need to start making more of an effort.

Jasmine said before that racial profiling is not right. However I think that for those in the security profession, this is a necessary skill. Most of the time, we can instantly tell something is wrong by the impression we get from people. We can feel a bad vibe or get the weebie-jeebies from looking at someone and that would be a sign to be weary of that person. This kind of gut instinct allows us to have a pre-emptive strike plan or be alert so that we won't be caught off guard. Many people's lives were saved because of this skill. There was an incident at a high school where a man walked into the school and a girl got a bad impression off of him when he looked at her. Her acting on that would or could have saved people from being a hostage/victim of the crime. Racial profiling is no different. In the age where enemies could be anyone and could be right next to you and you don't even know it, you need to have tools to protect youself. As we are lacking a mind reading device that could tell people's intentions, racial profiling and gut instinct might be next best tool that we have.